Sunday, May 1, 2016

Fake friends and the things that come with it.

 We all know people who turn fake on us. Sometimes it can be a person you was close to or a relative. 
  I would like to discuss this topic because we usually don't know how to spot one until it's too late. 
   We someone envy you from your clothes, success, relationship, or talents there's a strong chance that person is fake. 
  Fake people always have something to say that is negative. They never want to see your point of view or try to understand it. They mainly care about what they have to say and see things from a small mind. 

    Fake people usually talk about negative things and small things. They mainly care about what's going on in people lives. 

   Fake people don't know how to value friendships. They take it for granted and always play the blame game for their shortcomings. 

   Most of the time they don't keep their words. They tend to make so many excuses. 

  When having a conversation with these people they don't know that logic exists. 

  I've had my experiences with fake people and leaned a lot of deal with them. 

  Be aware of smiling faces like a song said, "They say they love you and that for you they do anything
You find it awkward that their eyes don't say the same thing
Changing lately, beware of smiling faces
Entangling, betraying, beware of smiling faces."


Sunday, February 14, 2016

Style question.

Out of curiosity, I would like to know if wearing shades at night a thing you do.

In my opinion I see there is nothing wrong wearing shades at night. It sets you apart from other people especially at parties and other events.

How often you do it?
To what occasions?
What brands you like?
What color you prefer the lens and frame to be?


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Thoughts on 50 cent and Meek Mill

 Recently, 50 cent and Meek Mill have been exchanging words on their social media. I have to say that 50 is basically trying to mess with Meek's reputation. I see that Meek Mill is not trying to that but taking another route by showing that anyone could use tension and make it into other opportunities. 
 Therefore, Meek donated water to the people living in Flint, Michigan. Instead of trying to get into something deep, Meek manages to help the community in need. 50 is trying to trap Meek by using jokes. 
 I still think that rappers should focus on helping the less fortunate more than petty  stuff. 
  Lastly, I'll share a jewel from the great Pimp C.